2024-2026 Strategic Plan

Silver Lake Public Library

Strategic Plan


Vision Statement

Our Vision is to be a destination, The Place which creates community and elevates the quality and spirit of life for the people we serve.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to provide excellent library services to the people of the community through a professional staff, a quality facility and first-class materials and programs.

Value Statements 

  • Open Access: The Library values free, open, unrestricted access to its collection and services.
  • People Focused: The Library values all library users and recognizes that they have human concerns that go beyond their need for access to information or reading materials.
  • Excellence: The Library values excellence by expecting integrity and competence, positive attitudes, respect for the diversity of people and perspectives in order to earn the trust and confidence of all library users.
  • Lifelong Learning: The Library values the stimulation of ideas and the advancement of knowledge in the pursuit of excellence.
  • Responsible Stewardship: The Library values the proper use of public funds and the efficient use of staff time and talent, maximizing all our resources in order to deliver quality library service.

Goal #1 : Customer Service

We will aid patrons with their needs by:

  • Training employees to consistently update their knowledge on conducting a proper reference interview and use Reader’s Advisory to strengthen community relationships and leave patrons feeling energized and content with their staff interactions. 
  • Developing our existing competencies in digital literacy in order to further help patrons with their technology questions. 
  • Continuing to provide excellent and respectful customer service that defines Silver Lake Public Library as “A People Place.”

Goal #2 : Promoting Community Togetherness

                    We will strengthen community relationships by:

  • Providing family programs that are not only intended to provide an entertaining experience but also contributes to a commitment to lifelong learning.
  • Expanding adult programming for both summer and winter in order to increase community participation, as well as working on developing new ideas for existing or new book clubs. 
  • Bringing in outside advocates and teachers to expand our programs to offer a variety of ways to develop literacy in all forms. 

Goal #3 : Collection Development 

                    We will manage and promote our diverse collection by:

  • Continuously improving our adult and children’s collection by cycling out old/unused materials with new materials, developing weeding projects for locations that have become too cluttered. 
  • Working on developing our collection according to modern American Library Association standards and the wants and needs of our community. 
  • Consistently updating our displays every month, showcasing our new materials in a visually appealing manner.